Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year! =)

i would just like to wish a very, very happy new year for everybody.. EVERYBODY.. yupp. x)

so how did you guys find 2010? my year was practically like a rollercoaster. with a very, very high start. it started off with me being damn sad coz i was leaving my precious friends at nottingham, UK.. yeah, it was sad. like, seriously sad. and when i had to go to school in malaysia, it was practically like doomsday for me. haha.

but then, gosh how i was thankful i'm back at malaysia. my friends are so nice! and to think that i hated going to school, now i love going. and yeah, i met some very SPECIAL PEOPLE. i'll miss them ever so much, as i'll be going onto secondary school this year. (if you want to know more, follow my blog, as i'm sure i'll post something about this)

so now, my life is back on track. hell yeah! :D

once again, i would really, really, really, really, really, like to say HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! let's hope for a good-behaving year 2011.. 


  1. Weyh, you ACTUALLY WANT to get bday beats ? =0 i wouldn't..! i'd be like running awayyyy X]

  2. best pe.. biar aku kurus sikit. haha!
